Are you looking to find the best places in South Carolina to try new spirits? Recently, Tripadvisor updated their list to show the best distilleries in South Carolina so far in 2024. On this list, two Beaufort County locales made the top five ranking. In first place overall as the best-ranked distillery in the Palmetto State, according to TripAdvisor, was Hilton Head Distillery.
Hilton Head Distillery, Hilton Head Island’s first craft distillery, offers a unique experience for guests. Offering a wide-variety of activities, the distillery gives patrons the opportunity to engage in a hands-on mixology experience, behind-the-scenes tours, tastings, signature cocktail classes and cocktail bar. Options given by the distillery are a much-talked-about affair among adults and ranked as a ‘must-do’ for many adult parties or gatherings. The distillery can be found at 14 Cardinal Road, Hilton Head Island, SC 29926.
The second named distillery in Beaufort County landed in third place overall. Burnt Church Distillery features a sophisticated atmosphere, authentic Lowcountry spirits, a varietal menu, a 7,000-square-foot tasting room, gift shop, humidor and on-site manufacturing facility. The distillery can be found at 120 Bluffton Road and is open daily. The 10 overall best distilleries in the Palmetto State include:
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Distillery Phone: (864) 226-9917
Corporate Phone: (864) 760-0469
200 West Benson St
Anderson, SC, United States
Bar service available until 8 PM, Thurs-Sat.
No bottle sales permitted after 7 PM.
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